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Jamaica Field Service Project

Last year, I had the great opportunity of participating in a volunteer service project through school. Jamaica Field Service Project (JAFSP) is an ongoing service learning program that provides tutoring and services throughout Jamaica. The program was founded by Eric Wills who created the program for college students and professionals to volunteer their services and to earn college credit.

While in Jamaica, I learned about their culture and Afro-Caribbean drumming, explored the rainforests, beaches, and waterfalls, and provided Music Therapy services under the supervision of two certified music therapists. We provided Music Therapy at three locaions: School of Hope for intellectual/developmental disabilites and hearing impairment students, a homeless shelter, and an infirmary/nursing home. The greatest experience in taking part of this program was interacting with the people at each site and connecting with them through music.

I will never forget my experience in Jamaica of what I learned, the culture, and connecting with some amazing people.

To learn more about JAFSP, go to

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