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Zion UCC Mother-Daughter Event

What an amazing event! Last spring I had the opportunity of being the guest speaker/performer for my church back at home. This was my first big event I had done outside of school.

For this event, I presented my experience last summer in Jamaica of partaking in the Jamaica Field Service Project (JAFSP). JAFSP is an ongoing service learning program created and founded by Eric Wills which provides tutoring and services. (Check out JAFSP blog post!)

I played a couple of Jamaican folksongs, talked about the JAFSP program, discussed what Music Therapy is, showed several photos from the trip, and did a drumming circle at the end of the program.

The ladies at the Mother-Daughter event enjoyed the program of learning about JAFSP, Music Therapy, and of course making music. Several of the ladies came up to me afterwards and talked how much they enjoyed learning about Music Therpay and my compassion for the program.

A special thanks to my family in helping with setting up the instruments and fixing electronic difficulties and also to Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College (SMWC) in providing the drums for the event.

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