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Zion UCC: Back to Worship

This was a beautiful morning for Zion United Church of Christ's "Back to Church Sunday" event of praising the Lord together.

The service was uplifting with wonderful music, hymns, and scripture. This was our first outdoor worship with our new minster Pastor Jamie Kent who came to Zion UCC in late May/early June. I enjoyed taking part in the praise band and playing my guitar with the youth in the congregation.

I never realized how blessed I am of being part of this congregation. Their faith is inspiring with bringing people together and helping others throughout the community. There is a unique quality about the people of Zion and their strong traditions, faith, beliefs, and unity.

After the service, we enjoyed a wonderful pictch-in dinner and lots of games. There were 158 people in attendence for the "Back to Church Sunday!"

For additional information about Zion United Church of Christ, go to

"No matter where you are on life's journey, you're welcome here!"- Zion UCC

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